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Poluboyartsev Efim Alexeevich (code 1-13-1-003)

( ? - 1928?.)

Birthplace: village Presnovka, Omskaya guberniya, Russia

1 wife - Poluboyartseva ( Shmakova ) Matriona Grigoryevna (code 4-13-1-064)

2 wife - no data.

Childrens: Vladimir, Klara

Efim Alexeevich was married twice, first once on Matriona (Tena) Grigoryevna an Shmakova. He had two childs: the son Vladimir (1925), in the first marriage, and daughter Clara (1927), in the second marriage. Efim Alexeevich have called in the Red Army, where it tragically perish. 

Poluboyartsev Efim Alexeevich
Efim Alexeevich with second wife.


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